Rabbi Barry Silver invites Palm Beach Quakers to join PROTECT Democracy

Rabbi Barry Silver wrote the following to invite Palm Beach Quakers to be listed as a member of his organization PROTECT Democracy:

Hello fellow progressive activists:

On this Memorial Day, our basic rights and freedoms are under attack. Patriotic

Americans fought and died to preserve our freedom, while today, an entire political

party supports insurrection and threatens the liberty and natural beauty that we

cherish in America.

In Florida, Governor DeSantis seeks to impose a right wing, Christian theocracy

upon the rest of us, dismantling the separation of church and state, which the

founders of this nation established to ensure that the soil of America would not be

soaked in blood as it was in Europe. They seek to replace democracy with

demagoguery, education with indoctrination and to torch our freedoms rather than

let the torch of freedom burn brightly as a beacon of hope for the world. Learning

nothing from the past, they threaten to reinstate the horrors of yesterday by

aligning fascism with theocracy to bring out our worst impulses and destroy our


Fortunately, many of us are fighting back. We have created a united front to defend

freedom, justice, reason and compassion consisting of those who seek to protect

our planet, reduce gun violence, champion abortion rights and equality for women

and people of diverse sexual orientations, promote education, help the poor, make

the wealthy pay their fair share, hold the powerful accountable for their actions

and to spread progressive ideals. We support a spiritual transformation in the

religious world to support reason, science and our precious natural world rather

than thoughts and prayers to non-existent supernatural entities. We strongly

support atheists, agnostics and free thinkers who have been targeted and maligned

for centuries as well as those of every religious persuasion.

This coalition is called PROTECT Democracy. PROTECT stands for Progressive,

Resolute, Organizations Together Enthusiastically Combatting Tyranny, and we are

joining forces to increase the effectiveness of us all in opposing the DeSantis

agenda in Florida, and to prevent him from spreading his toxic views beyond our

borders as President.

If your cause requires allies, for instance to sign petitions to put abortion on the

ballot, or gun control measures, or to elect public servants who will truly serve the

public, join our coalition and support the causes of other progressives and they

shall support your cause. PROTECT Democracy also provides inspirational music,

pro bono lawyers, public speakers, website assistance, fora to share your views and

allies to advance your cause. There is no budget for PROTECT America and we do

not raise funds, we only raise consciousness.

If you would like to join our ranks, just let us know and we will gladly add you and/or

your organization to our list. If you know other groups or individuals who you think

would like to join us who share our values, please forward this on to them. No one

will be required to support all the causes of all the other groups, and each is free to

only support those causes they believe in.

Thank-you for all you do to improve this world. Now let us do so together so we

can be an effective force for change and replace despair with hope and the

darkness of tyranny with the light of reason.

Rabbi Barry Silver

Pastor Fritz Aufdencamp

Buddhist leader Maya Malay

Together united, we’ll never be divided.

Toujours unis, nous sommes benis: Always united, we are blessed. (French)

Juntos unidos, jamas vencidos: Together united, we will never be defeated


Kulanu yachad, ayn lanu pachad: When we are all together, we are not

afraid. (Hebrew)

Rabbi Barry Silver, Esq.


(561) 3x-1xxx

Founder of Cosmic Judaism

Who's Who of American Law


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